US prisons resume federal executions In 2024, the United States carried out death sentences despite persistent protests, particularly from the United Nations. Unprecedented deaths of homeless people in France As the homelessness crisis in France worsens, the number of deaths of these vulnerable people has reached a record high in 2023. Racial profiling by French police against minorities and Black people The case of French police brutality is one of the most important cases in this country's record of human rights violations. This means that the French police have become a means of violently suppressing any protest and gathering, even peaceful ones, or killing French citizens. The terrible circumstances in the biggest prison in Georgia State The Ministry of Justice in the United States recently released a report on Fulton County Prison in the state of Georgia. The report summarizes the prison's circumstances with regard to drug abuse, homicides, and stabbings. The catastrophic situation of Canada's prison system Human rights violations in Canadian prisons and the government's indifference to the aforementioned crisis have led to protests from Canadian authorities and prompted human rights committees to react.